What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts!

"Imagine having a disease that can strike at any time, which can leave you blind or paralyzed for days, months or forever. Then, imagine that this disease might spontaneously go into remission, only to return months or years later.  This is life with multiple sclerosis.” - Peter Riskind , MD

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable degenerative disorder of the central nervous system.  It is an autoimmune disease that attacks the brain and the spinal cord causing paralysis, numbness, blindness, vertigo, and diminished cognitive ability.

What Causes M.S. - The causes of M.S. are unknown and it can strike as early as childhood and as late as middle age.  However, most researchers believe that M.S. is a malfunction of the body's immune system which is possibly triggered either by a genetic predisposition and/or environmental factors.

Currently, there is no cure for M.S.

Symptoms of M.S.

Symptoms vary a great deal from one person to another. No two people have the same combination of symptoms. This, of course, complicates identification and diagnosis. According to the MS Foundation, symptoms can impact the mind, body, and senses in a number of ways. These include:
    blurred or double vision, or total vision loss
    hearing impairment
    reduced sense of taste and smell
    numbness, tingling, or burning in limbs
    loss of short-term memory
    depression, personality changes
    changes in speech
    facial pain
    Bell’s palsy
    muscle spasms
    difficulty swallowing
    dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo
    incontinence, constipation
    weakness, fatigue
    tremors, seizures
    erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire
Because MS is such an individual disease, it is not helpful to compare yourself with other people who have MS.

Medications can help ease MS attacks and possibly slow the disease.

Physical therapy and other treatments help control symptoms -- and improve your quality of life.
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